Currently, one of the efforts we have made to improve the quality of each student’s character while maintaining cultural values in Indonesia is to apply 5S (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, dan Santun). Since the COVID-19 pandemic, this simple culture has slowly begun to disappear due to the sense of individualism that continues to exist in every student. This can disrupt character education in schools, especially at SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja. Since the beginning, this school has produced many exemplary students with extraordinary characters. However, during the current post-COVID-19 period, 5S is becoming a question among the students of SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja.
How significant is the impact of 5S? With the lack of awareness of 5S, slowly, the social sense of every student will deteriorate. Caring, respect, hospitality, and politeness will disappear. The 5S culture invites us to carry out a culture of smiling at others, greeting, or being polite in our social life. From 5S, we can get many positive impacts, both on ourselves and others. These impacts include turning ourselves into friendly, kind, and caring individuals that can easily make a good relationship and strengthen our kinship with other people. For example, several programs based on 5S, such as the Kakak Adik Asuh program and IKAMASA (SMANSA Alumni Association) at SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja. 5S will also increase our respect for others, whether the person is older, younger, or the same age as us. This respect will foster high morale in everyone.
These impacts will undoubtedly be felt if we interpret the educational process. According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara, education is an effort to promote the growth of character (inner strength, character), mind (intellect), and the human body. Therefore, education is significant to develop ourselves, be it from the smallest things, such as 5S culture, which has a significant impact.
Even as a student, precisely as students of SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja, we can know that this 5S culture has a significant impact on us in living social life, especially in the school environment. But does SMA Negeri 1 Singaraja’s students still applying 5S until this time? According to students’ perspective, 5S is still applied until this time but not as often as before the pandemic. So, what is the solution? The best solution to apply 5S in the school environment is to start with ourselves first, and then we can invite each other to implement it. Also, we can share about the comprehension of 5S, such as by discussing and responding to each other about what has been implemented. Because of that, these solutions can restore the 5S culture that had faded at this time.
BUDAYA 5 S (SENYUM, SALAM, SAPA, SOPAN DAN SANTUN. SDUA Bantul. 13 August 2020. Accessed on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 7.08 p.m. via
Mari Tanamkan Budaya 5S si Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, dan Santun. Kawan GNFI Official 14 July 2021. Accessed on Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 8.43 p.m. via
Mentradisikan Senyum, Salam, Sapa dan Santun. Media Center Staim Tarate. 23 June 2020. Accessed on Thursday, November 10 at 10.15 a.m. via
PENERAPAN BUDAYA 5S (SENYUM, SALAM, SAPA, SOPAN, DAN SANTUN) DALAM UPAYA MEWUJUDKAN VISI). Susi Sukarno. 1 July 2021. Accessed on Thursday, November 10 at 4.08 p.m via
Kelompok 2
1. I Putu Abimanyu Budi Pratama (XII MIPA 1)
2. Luh Irma Susiyanti (XI MIPA 2)
3. I Made Gilang Arydhana Rahjasa (XI MIPA 2)
4. Ni Luh Bhaskarini Mahadewi (XI MIPA 4)
5. Ni Kadek Wahyu Lestari Sudiasih (XI MIPA 4)
6. I Made Amar Swarjanata (XI MIPA 7)
7. Ketut Grace Sila Aryanti (XI MIPA 8)
8. Nisa Renanta Nugraha (XI IIS 2)
9. Komang Tri Pradnyan Putra Astina (X-A)