“Is the education system in Indonesia spread equally?” is an educational problem that has not been resolved until now. In Indonesia, education is a conscious effort to prepare students through guidance, teaching, and/or training activities for their future roles. The Father of Indonesian Education, Ki Hajar Dewantara, defines education as a guide, meaning that education aims to provide direction or guidance to individuals so that they can achieve better progress and development in their lives.
Education is a provision of knowledge that is important for humans lives now and in the future. The Ministry of Education and Culture has determined that education is required for every child for 12 years to create superior human resources in Indonesia. However, the availability of education is still not evenly distributed, and there are still many children who have not received proper education. Indonesia has more than 200 million people living in various parts of the country. Based on UNICEF data, as many as 4.1 million children and teenager in Indonesia are not in school. This is supported by various factors, namely:
A. An Unsupportive Economy
An unsupportive economy can contribute to educational inequality in Indonesia for several reasons, namely:
To overcome educational inequality due to a weak economy, teamwork from the government and society are needed. Greater investment in education infrastructure, increased education budgets, scholarship programs, and an inclusive approach to supporting students from lower economic backgrounds can help increase educational opportunities for all Indonesians.
B. Lack of Awareness of the Importance of Education
Lack of awareness of the importance of education can cause education in Indonesia to be uneven for the following reasons:
To overcome the lack of awareness of the importance of education, wider efforts are needed to provide education and information to the public. Providing education about the clear benefits of education, awareness campaigns, and local community involvement can help increase understanding of the importance of education in society.
C. The quality of teachers is relatively low
The low quality of teachers can cause education in Indonesia to be uneven for the following reasons:
To overcome the problem of low teacher quality, efforts are needed to improve professional development and training for teachers. A more tight selection and recruitment system could help ensure that qualified teachers enter the education system. In addition, further incentives and support for teachers working in remote areas could help promote a more equitable distribution.
It can be concluded that education in Indonesia still faces major challenges in achieving a level of equality and quality that is evenly distributed throughout the country. Despite a number of efforts by the government and various stakeholders to improve access to and quality of education, there are still significant disparities between urban and rural areas and between more wealthy and remote areas. To overcome this problem, a strong commitment from the government, society, and all education stakeholders is required. Greater investment in education infrastructure, increasing the education budget, and providing equal opportunity and access for all Indonesian children are the keys to achieving a more fair and quality education. Through collaboration and team works, education in Indonesia can become a powerful tool for overcoming social and economic disparities, opening up opportunities for every child to achieve their dreams, and driving the nation’s progress in a better direction.
By Satuan Petugas Peminatan OSIS Bidang 10:
Putu Dewi Adelia Septya Paramita (XI-I)
Luh Feriska Berliana Putri (XI-E)
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