It is undeniable that the Covid-19 pandemic brought major changes in all aspects of life, both positive and negative impacts. In the education aspect, almost all schools implement an online distance learning system. Some students may be able to adapt to this system. However, there are still many students who can’t adapt to this system. As a result, many students have decreased their academic achievement and their desire to learn has also decreased due to this system. Therefore every student must apply creative, innovative, and fun learning methods but without feeling overwhelmed in the learning process so that the desire to learn and academic achievement returns to normal and even increases. Here are the tips:
A mind that is focused on learning allows us to receive learning material easily. No matter how easy it is, if your minds are not focused on learning, we won’t be able to understand it. Moreover, in this pandemic, a focused mind will not cause negative thoughts that can make our immune system decrease. Therefore, before learning you must do stretches, especially mental and mind, by giving thanks to God in prayer, or you can do a little meditation or yoga so that not only the mind is focused but also the body becomes healthier and fitter.
Goals in life are important things that we must make and we must also be able to achieve them so that these goals are not “fake” goals. You can create your version of goals so that learning is not just reading or listening to the material. But we can also implement this material in real life and remember it for a long time. This goal does not have to be difficult, but it can be started from a simple goal but you can achieve it. For example, if you aim to master a chapter in a lesson, don’t immediately have the ambition to finish everything quickly. Start gradually so that our memory can remember it optimally.
A goal can be likened to a place, if we have a strong desire to reach that place but we don’t know how to get there, we won’t get there. Likewise, what happens in learning, if we do not design our learning stages and only hope that the goal is achieved without action, then the goal will not be achieved.
Sometimes learning is not fun if we don’t get what we like. On the contrary, if the thing we like is in the learning process, we will be very quick to understand the material. Besides that, having hobbies or things we like will foster our creative and innovative mind.
Of course, the learning methods of each child are very different from one another. This difference is not to be unified, but we as students must recognize it because if our learning methods are not by our learning personality, the results will not be optimal and make learning unpleasant and even we can be depressed. In general, there are 3 learning methods for each student. The first is visual or learning through images and visual senses, the second is audio or learning through sound and auditory senses, and the last is kinesthetic or more inclined through movement. Reward yourself once that goal is achieved.
If with all the creative minds we have, we can achieve a goal, we have to appreciate ourselves. Self-appreciation means that we appreciate ourselves for obedience to learning supported by creativity and innovative learning. You can adjust this appreciation to yourself, for example buying food, books, musical instruments, and even buying video games if you feel this is a big achievement. With this appreciation, other goals will be easily completed and achieved.